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Norway Rat

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Brown with scattered black hairs; gray to white underside


Long, heavily-bodied, blunt muzzle, small ears and eyes


7 - 9 1/2 inches long


Found throughout the U.S. as well as Southern Ontario



Norway rats can cause damage to property and structures through their gnawing. They are also a vector of diseases and can contaminate food. Believed to be of Asian origin, Norway rats are now found throughout the world.


• Eliminate sources of moisture, especially in crawl spaces and basements.

• Fill any gaps or cracks on the outside of your home with silicone caulk.

• Store food in tightly sealed containers.

• Keep kitchens tidy by sweeping crumbs off of floors and wiping counters.

• Remove clutter to reduce nesting spots.

• Inspect your home for signs of an infestation, including rodent droppings, gnaw marks and damaged goods. Look for greasy rub marks caused by their oily fur.

• If you suspect an infestation, contact a licensed pest professional.


Norway rats are primarily nocturnal. Outdoors, they burrow in soil near stream/river banks, piles of garbage or under concrete slabs. Norway rats are social and often build burrows close to one another. Indoors, they often nest in basements, piles of debris or undisturbed materials. They are known to gnaw through almost anything – including plastic or lead pipes – to obtain food or water.


Norway rats can cause damage to structures and personal property through their gnawing and eating. They can also spread diseases including plague, jaundice, rat-bite fever, cowpox virus, trichinosis and salmonellosis. In addition, these rats can introduce fleas and mites into a home.

DID YOU KNOW? Norway rats…

• tend to follow the same pathway from their nest to food and water.

• can gain entrance to a structure through any opening larger than 1/2 inch.

• usually have an “emergency exit” built into their burrows